10 Travel Blogs You Must Read In 2013

Did you know there are other travel blogs out there just as awesome as mine?

I know, right!? It was a shock to me as well šŸ˜‰

I digress, here is a list of 10 of my favourite travel bloggers, from the more experienced to the ones to watch as we shoot into what will be a fabulous year – 2013.

Finding The Universe

Laurence is the man behind Finding The Universe (along with his charming girlfriend Vera). They are frequent travellers and often expats, with great writing and stunning photos (Laurence is beyond good), their blog is worth a look!

My favourite post is about their time Ballooning in Costa Brava! I do have a thing for hot air balloons.. and those photos, wow!

Follow along @ FindingTheUniverse.com | Twitter: @Lozula | Facebook

Four Jandals

Cole & Adela run a travel blog with a focus on adventure.

Lots of great content, photos and travel stories to check out!

I especially enjoyed their post where Cole rounds up his 50 lessons learnt from travelling.

Follow along @ FourJandals.com | Twitter: @FourJandals | Facebook

yTravel Blog

Caz & Craig show me that you can still travel AND run a blog even with kids! They’re an awesome example of parents that don’t let social cliches and excuses get in the way of living the life they want.

Their post on 32 travel tips for a cheaper and deeper travelling experience was fantastic and worth a read for travellers both old and new.

Follow along @ yTravelBlog.com | Twitter: @yTravelBlog | Facebook

Will Peach

Will Peach loves to cause drama every chance he gets and is not afraid of offending people.

It’s cute and sometimes entertaining šŸ˜‰ He also enjoys getting naked and making homo-erotic statements about other male travel bloggers.

Check out his post Another Solo Female Travel Blog? I Think I Might Just Kill Myself. Stirring the pot, as usual!

Follow along: WillPeach.com | Twitter: @willpeach


Gillian describes herself as a wanna be expat and a Giant Stepper. I think we’ll get along just fine! She’s done a lot of travelling but is now uprooting herself with partner Jason to find a new place in the world and roam more frequently.

I really liked her post On Letting Go.

Follow along: One-Giant-Step.com | Twitter: @OneGiantStep | Facebook

Rexy Edventures

Rex is a great bloke, and we’ve chatted a few times on the interwebs about blogging, life and travel.

He’s an up and comer on the scene and is surely one to watch for 2013 with a new site revamp and a passion for travel.

He has a great post about The Joys of American Immigration which we will get to experience first-hand as we fly into New York (looking forward to that *cough*).

Follow along @ RexyEdventures.com | Twitter: @rexyedventures | Facebook

A Backpackers Tale

Stephen is a frequent commenter here on Active Backpacker and seems like a great guy.

I chatted to him on Facebook and he is heading off soon on his huge backpacking adventure so will have a tonne of great content and photos to come for us fellow backpackers to check out, as well as revel in the adventures and mishaps along the way!

He has made a little list of 15 Things He Can’t Wait To Cross Off His Bucket List that looks like a lot of fun if he manages to conquer them all.

Follow along @ ABackpackersTale.com | Twitter: @mywanderlustlif | Facebook

Skinny Backpacker

Dustin has a minimalist style site with a real focus on photos (of which he takes great ones).

He is a real tech-head and digital nomad and I hope we can catch up for a beer sometime!

We’re off to Burma/Myanmar soon ourselves (early next year) and since Dustin has already been himself, his post about A Day in Dala, Myanmar resonated really well with me.
Follow along @ SkinnyBackpacker.com | Twitter: @skinnybackpackr | Facebook

That Backpacker

Audrey documents her adventures over at her blog, it’s a world-travel-blog in the making but has a heavy focus on Asia at the moment (which always makes for fun times).

She runs a regular EngRish segment which always makes me smile. Come on, who doesn’t love Engrish?

She has a quirky personality and is usually in search of markets, street food, jungles and beaches… I can relate to that!
Follow along @ ThatBackpacker.com | Twitter: @thatbackpacker | Facebook

The Most Alive

Ash over at The Most Alive travel blog is a fellow Aussie with a thirst for soaking up cultural differences and roaming the world in search for adventure.

He was recently in Myanmar and captured this great shot of a sleeping Monk at Shwedagon Pagoda.

Follow along @ TheMostAlive.com | Twitter: @themostalive | Facebook
So there we have it!

10 travel blogs that I think are worth reading for the new year šŸ™‚

Do you have some favourites of your own?

28 Responses to “10 Travel Blogs You Must Read In 2013”

  1. Stephen S. says:

    Wow Tom thank you so much for including me! Your the man!

  2. A great list! Fabulous to be in such great company. Thanks Tom!!

  3. A couple of blogs I hadn’t checked out, so great to have them on my agenda šŸ™‚

  4. Awesome list Tom! Thank you for including us and your very kind words. I love many of the blogs on here, but there are also some new ones for me which sound great. I am excited to check them out now.

    I love Will’s homo-erotic statements, they give me a right good giggle!!

  5. Great list! I read a number of these consistently and have checked out all of them but one.

  6. Nice round-up. I see one or two blogs I’m not already following – going to go check those out now šŸ™‚

  7. Ash says:

    Thanks so much Tom, seriously stoked to be amongst that quality list!
    Its not awkward now if i come and visit and/or spoon after i move to Berlin in March is it? iiiiis it????

    • Tom says:

      Hey Ash šŸ˜€ It’s a bit awkward because we won’t be in Europe anymore šŸ™ Otherwise spooning would have been a given of course! Awesome to hear you’re moving to Berlin though! We’ll be rocking out somewhere in South-East Asia.

  8. Laurence says:

    Hey Tom & Trudi – thanks so much for the mention šŸ˜€ These are some of my favourite travel bloggers too (where the heck did you find that picture of Dustin!), so it’s really nice to be in this list!

    • Tom says:

      Hey Laurence! I’m always loving your blog so the mention is a given šŸ˜‰ I’ve been going around robbing photos from peoples’ about pages šŸ˜€ I thought that was a great shot of Dustin!

  9. Great selection. I love Dustin and Ash’s blogs especially. Thanks for sharing šŸ™‚

  10. Would have been more stoked if Will Peach wasn’t included… haha just kidding. Very stoked to be included šŸ™‚ We need a little badge or something.

  11. Kevin says:

    Whow, Finding the Universe is a sweet blog! Beautiful pictures!
    So almost time for u to leave Holland!
    Was so great meeting you and Trudy! Defiantly gonne see u again, especially after reading all these blogs… damn I have to go on that road again….. (Me typing this behind a desk on a blue skippy ball..NO LIE!!!)


    • Tom says:

      Kev! It is at that šŸ™‚

      Yep, we’re off with mixed feelings. Was so great to meet you & Frida and you made Holland such an awesome time for us – we’ll always be in touch! We’ll be by Europe again sometime soon! šŸ˜€

      You should definitely come on the road again (come meet us in Asia *hint hint*) – looking forward to hearing about Japan from you and Robbert!

  12. Thanks for the mention Tom. I laughed when I saw this – I had completely forgotten that I have a ‘Zoolander’ shot on my about page…haha! Some great ones in the mix. šŸ˜‰

  13. Will Peach says:

    Thanks for finding me cute. Got plenty of late night mileage out of that.

  14. Ayngelina says:

    Just when I thought I knew everyone you share two blogs I haven’t check out yet: Rexy and Ash. Nice round up.

  15. Beau says:

    I know it’s a bit late but I just wanted to let you know about dangertravels.com. It should have new stories all through 2013 and 2014.

  16. Thanks so much for the mention Tom. Great to see myself mentioned along side these other fantastic bloggers.

    Enjoy Burma, if there is anything I can help with, let me know.


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